It’s Memorial Day in the United States. It’s a day to remember those that gave all in our military to defend our nation - and it’s very heart - our Constitution.
But it’s a bittersweet day for others...
Many of our citizens dimly set to memory the fallen - as the holiday is filled with travel, or having cookouts with friends and family. This day I reflect on why so many have fallen - and how we can truly honor their sacrifice.
A Brief History
It started long before 9/11 - in the 1980s. The Soviets where ripping apart Afghanistan. The US saw this as a forward moving line to gain control of the flow of oil in the region. What to do?
Under the vise president at that time, the CIA was set to task to build a cell network in the local population - with recruitment and training - to hold that line against the Soviets. In other words, we created Al Queda.
Can you begin to understand my bittersweet feelings on this day of memory?
Let me be very frank. Without the CIA, there would have been no Al Queda, no Taliban, and no Osama Bin Laden. Some would argue it’s a case of unintended consequences. As the fallen have been forever silenced, I will reply: We were thoughtless in our actions.
Over the years, the far right fringe in our nation spread misinformation that we are at war with Islam (and just about anyone else that isn't a Wall Street Banker or Corporate Communist). When the federal building in Oklahoma was blown to bits in the early 90s, the far right social engineers immediately began screaming it was done by ‘Islamo-fascists’...
The truth is our NeoCon (also known as Corporate Communists - 'Conservative in Name Only' or CiNO's) minority is the mirror image of the Al Queda minority - both are far right fringe elitists promoting a ‘new’ Holy War...
And we have paid a heavy price for listening to the sound and fury of their falsehoods. For there is nothing ‘holy’ about war...
Amazingly, there was a voice in Pakistan that stood fast for democracy and freedom. The far right fringe in the region killed Bhutto, but they will never silence her spirit for freedom...
And while it may seem odd I mention Bhutto - any that have fallen for freedom and democracy should be remembered, and honored.
So - how do we honor the memory of our fallen? How do we make it so their sacrifices were not in vain?
1. Stop listening to the far right fringe of NeoCon elitists and their TP Colllaborators.
2. Get the hell off our Oil Addiction. Our Oil Addiction enables 'social engineering' to maintain the far right elites addiction to power ('Hell No You Cant' or 'My Way! My Way!' syndrome - typically exhibited by three year olds that don't know any better).
3. Make a pledge - Not one more drop of blood for a barrel of oil. Let’s really put an end to this.
This is how we should honor them. This is how we ensure they did not die in vain.
Of course, there will be some poor souls brainwashed into the false faith of the far right elites that will scream at me for speaking this simple truth. Some of them will even tell me ‘Hell No You Can’t!”
Oh- but I can. Not because I have the right of free speech - but because I’ve earned the privilege to speak bluntly. You see...
I am a veteran.
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